Saturday, August 22, 2009

Some Thing Spl For Drinking


6 Weird Alcoholic Drinks from Around the World

So, you're sick of drinking boring old beer and wine every day? You feel like trying something completely new and exciting? Well, you'll have a tough time finding more interesting drinks than the six crazy concoctions you're about to discover:


One of the oldest beverages on Earth, Chica is a maize-derived drink prepared in several South-American countries. Discoveries show Chicha has been consumed for thousands of years, since the time of the Inca, but, nowadays its popularity had decreased considerably and only a few villages in Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Costa Rica still prepare it.

Traditional Chicha-makers grind the maize and then chew it to moisturize it. After the human saliva breaks down the starch, the balls of chewed maze are put in large clay vats and warm water is added. After several days of fermentation, Chicha is ready to be consumed. With just 1-3% alcohol, Chicha is not the strongest drink you can try.


Very popular among the people living in the plains of Central Asia, Kumis is a fermented drink made from mare's milk. Described by Herodotus in the 5th century BC, Kumis, just like Chicha, is very old.

To make this unusual dairy product, mare milk is fermented for hours or days, while stirred so it doesn't coagulate. Traditionally, the mare's milk was kept in a horse-hide tied to the saddle and bounced around for a day's ride. Nowadays it is made in wooden vats and, because mare milk is scarce, industrial-producers use cow milk with added sucrose. Kumis is not a very potent drink, containing between 0.7 and 2.5% alcohol.

Lizard Wine

It might sound repulsing, but lizard wine is a very popular drink in China. It's prepared by adding ginseng and Geko lizards into a clay vat, full of fermenting rice wine. After 12 months, the mixture is strained and green liquor is obtained.

Lizard wine tastes a lot like brandy and is said to improve eye-sight and ward of evil spirits.

Baby Mouse Wine

Very popular in China and Korea, baby mouse wine is a considered a cure for anything from the common cold to liver problems. Think of it as cheap remedy for people who can't afford to visit a doctor.

Baby mouse wine is prepared by drowning a large number of baby mice in vats full of rice wine. The critters mustn't be more than 2-3 days old, to ensure the drink ends up being fur-free. The mixture is stored in a dark, dry space for about a year before it can be consumed.

Just one or two glasses of baby mouse wine are enough to get you hammered, but because of its horrible smell and taste, most people shouldn't have to worry about that.

Snake drinks

Just like baby mouse wine, snake liquors are considered powerful cures for a wide array of illnesses, ranging from impotence to hair loss. These drinks are found in the markets of various countries from south-east Asia.

Odd liquors like snake whiskey and snake sake, contain the most poisonous snakes, including several species of Cobra.

Seagull Wine

The weirdest and probably most disgusting drink on our list is also the simplest. Before I explain how it's made, keep in mind that it was invented by Eskimos and they don't really have the luxury of fermenting different types of food in order to get wasted.

Now, as I was saying, seagull wine is so simple you could make it yourself, if you wanted to. But believe me, you don't. You take a dead seagull, stuff it into a bottle (don't ask me how), pour water over it and leave it in the sun until it's done fermenting. That's it.

Don't expect a taste similar to the finest whiskey, after all, we're talking about a fermented seagull. But it packs quite a punch.


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